Xaishi's avatar


336 Deviations

Ugh, it continues to kill me that I never got to use the journal skin I made right before Eclipse went live. T_T Linking to it at least makes me feel better lol.

Like the title says, I wanted to do an interest check about making stuff for people using Artbreeder. Also included a TL;DR at the bottom cuz I'm a windbag and figured I should detail everything so people can accurately gauge their interest level. orz

First off!

Artbreeder is a collaborative image generation website. It's basically a character/landscape/object/etc creation screen on steroids and is such a fantastic tool for creating beautiful references. All content is fully within the public domain as stated on their support page and detailed in their TOS, so offering to create stuff for others in exchange for money/etc is allowed. I also asked the AB Discord community as a courtesy and was told the same thing haha. Even got a response from the site creator themself, so I've covered all bases as best I can and should be good to go! \o/


Would anyone be interested in having refs of their OCs made in AB for them? And/or if you are already familiar with AB, are you interested in potentially having genes made too? I already spend so much time on AB + past feedback had me wondering about taking commissions for it. The idea behind what I'd be offering is to try providing others with a nice character reference that they can then do whatever they want with. Send it to artists for commission refs, generate their own stuff on AB using mine as a starting point, maybe someone would like to see what their OC looks like in a more realistic style without breaking the bank, and so on.

I'm also considering offering custom paintovers / edits. AB can be a very finicky tool and does have its limitations, so there are some things you just can't pull off currently (and/or not without a lot of extra work). An example is how it can be very difficult to make bright glowing eyes without wildly distorting the image. And things like horns and tusks just don't really work without a custom image upload as a starting point, but even then, kinda not really if at all depending on the thing. xD

  • To get an idea of the kind of stuff I can do from scratch, you can explore my DA gallery!

  • And edits I have done to art as style matching examples here: https://www.deviantart.com/hvallaadmin/gallery?q=xaishi

  • (I'll probably do before/after examples of actual AB images if this passes the interest check.)

I miiiight also offer paintovers and fancy typography (think book cover titles) for any art / refsheets in general and not strictly images created through AB, but for those cases, you'll need permission from the original artist to allow alterations and all that. No idea if anyone would even be interested in edits like that either lol. Except for maybe the ARPG crowd?

And this is just a cool tidbit, but you can use these (or really anything with a face on it) to make animated stuff too! I've played around with it before and it's pretty crazy and a lot of fun. I haven't given any thought to this yet, and I assume no one would be interested in the first place lol, but it occurred to me that I could look into getting a subscription and offer that as a service too. Idk!

And some examples.

I'd have arranged them the way I did in my TH thread, but I don't feel like downloading and uploading all of them into my sta.sh to be able to do that, so links it is. And the one image I did actually upload to use as the journal banner. xD


Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 | Example 4 | Example 5 | Example 6

(The first link is actually for one of my characters, the rest are various things I've made for fun and/or as a result of trying to breed more accurate refs of my OCs.) All of these go to their respective AB pages where you can also find examples of how other users have generated their own images from mine. As you can see, you can make all kinds of things from photorealistic people and fantasy races to really wild stylized stuff. I highly recommend poking around to get a better sense of what this site can do, cuz these examples barely touch the tip of the iceberg haha.

Since the site is completely free to use, anyone can of course just create their own images. (And is part of why I'm taking an interest check in the first place haha.) But something I've commonly heard from others is that they find AB too unwieldy and/or can't get their images to come out looking the way they want, so I've taken stabs at generating refs for them. The feedback/encouragement I've received from it is what got me wondering if people as a whole would be interested in actually paying me to do this kind of thing. o:

For pricing,

I'm thinking I might start at like $5-$10, subject to change depending on how long the average comm takes me and on how many people might even want it to begin with. xD Complicated stuff, assuming AB is capable of rendering it out, would be priced higher because it'll naturally be more time-consuming. A big part of AB is around generating iterations on the way to making the final image, so I'll link you all the variations of your character I made along the way. Because of those iterations, I don't plan on charging per image cuz that varies hugely from one char to the next.

I have no current plans to, but selling premade designs (either straight from AB or with edits) is another thing I could eventually do, I s'pose? But that really depends. There are ways you can generate images from scratch so that feels less like a morally grey area to me, even if all of it is legally clear to begin with haha. But would be moot if no one's interested in that either. xD

Prices to alter images/art I'm thinking may also start at $5-$10 and increase by how extensive and/or detailed the edits are. In general, this will probably be comparatively pricier because I don't do much of any drawing anymore thanks to about a decade's worth of burnout, so I'll be setting price tiers in a way that'll hopefully offset or at least not add to that.

Some things to note about Artbreeder:

Again, all images created on this site are in the public domain (CC0) and free for commercial use, as directly stated on their support page and detailed in their TOS. Everyone would be free to use anyone's image for whatever they want. However, I can also modify it in PS or Procreate to create a derivative work, and that image with alterations would be uniquely yours to use.

I have a paid account, so I have the option to hide images as soon as I generate them on request. AB's UI doesn't let you auto-hide upon creation though, so someone could technically find/fave/breed the image before I can hide it if they were really speedy or if my laggy internet craps the bed as it so loves to do. Also note that AB doesn't have a "viewable only with link" option, so back and forth progress updates could be a bit of a hassle.

Because AB is a machine learning website and big on a collaborative/iterative process, very similar images often float around. However, one of the things I like to do on AB is specifically try to make things that look unique. You can view the trending page (click the small face thumbnail at the top to filter by portraits) and my profile to compare and see what I mean.

  • Would you pay $5-$10 to have me make a pile of public domain portrait variations of your OC to use however you want? Would you pay more for difficult characters? Would you be interested in paintovers/edits, whether over AB portraits or any other art (assuming you have permission to alter it)?

  • Since I'm curious now, would you be interested in purchasing premades like the above examples?

  • All images created on this site are in the public domain (CC0) and free for commercial use, as stated on their support page and detailed in their TOS. You can do whatever you want with the images.

  • While public domain means anyone can do anything with them, I have a paid account so I can at least hide images on request. AB's UI doesn't let you auto-hide upon creation though, so someone could technically find/fave/breed the image before I can hide it.

  • This is just a cool tidbit, but you can use these (or really anything with a face on it) to make animated stuff too! I assume not, but would anyone be remotely interested in something like this too?

H'okay, I think that covered all the important stuff. @_@ If I end up taking commissions for these, I will include the same disclaimers (if not more in-depth) in the actual comm post to make sure potential buyers are fully aware of all this info too.

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3 min read

I didn't mean to hit submit LOL.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Mauris vel ex lectus. Nulla facilisi. Morbi lorem lacus, maximus in odio sed, imperdiet pellentesque leo. Cras interdum turpis vitae posuere lacinia. Quisque sagittis pharetra quam vel posuere. Morbi tempus lacinia ligula ac efficitur. Duis at facilisis odio, vel eleifend sapien. In quis semper odio, id mattis massa. Nunc mollis est nec nisi mattis, id sollicitudin ligula ultrices. Sed consectetur odio vitae augue viverra, ac iaculis lectus cursus. Proin laoreet lorem eu orci lacinia, non auctor dui malesuada. Phasellus sed tempus neque. Donec aliquet nulla et eleifend scelerisque. Maecenas id porta sapien. In cursus, sapien at pulvinar consectetur, elit lorem elementum ipsum, aliquet blandit nibh magna in nisl. Sed et maximus urna.

Pellentesque ornare sapien ultrices lectus finibus interdum.

Quisque finibus risus vitae tristique efficitur. Maecenas eu pellentesque ex. Etiam metus tortor, volutpat quis quam et, consectetur ultrices diam. Sed iaculis turpis tellus, scelerisque blandit felis ultricies commodo. Duis condimentum arcu nec dui ultrices feugiat. Aenean sem lectus, pulvinar ut enim ut, vestibulum auctor tellus. Morbi at bibendum libero. Donec sit amet ante sed urna scelerisque malesuada. Integer enim tortor, tempor a magna in, feugiat bibendum ante. Integer erat orci, viverra eu tristique ac, hendrerit sed erat.

Nulla facilisi. Maecenas fringilla porttitor velit vel accumsan.

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Phasellus lacinia pulvinar leo, in hendrerit dui laoreet id. Donec posuere vel felis sit amet facilisis. Maecenas orci urna, aliquet et magna eu, bibendum condimentum sem. Etiam semper eleifend facilisis. In dapibus nisl a sapien laoreet mattis. Quisque tincidunt, nisl at fermentum interdum, purus lectus molestie nisi, vel commodo lorem orci sed lacus. In dapibus mauris id turpis scelerisque iaculis. Donec non lacus tempus elit efficitur auctor sed vitae quam. Phasellus interdum, tortor quis aliquam suscipit, ex ipsum lobortis orci, eu tempor ipsum risus quis dui. In rutrum augue a pellentesque maximus. Morbi efficitur tempor mi, non aliquam diam porttitor porttitor. Mauris ullamcorper blandit nibh. Donec pulvinar eget massa vitae convallis.

Vivamus varius ipsum nec dictum porttitor. Vivamus sit amet lobortis libero, eu tempor nunc. Nunc et enim sollicitudin, consequat nisl non, tristique lectus. Donec vel quam id ligula aliquam pellentesque. Duis vitae maximus enim. Nullam venenatis est nec fringilla ultrices. Maecenas fringilla bibendum nisl a aliquet. Morbi vel eros eu urna semper viverra ac ut est. Etiam feugiat est et felis ornare, id euismod nisi euismod. Morbi quis pretium nunc, eget mattis metus. Sed varius auctor nisi, sit amet dictum urna vestibulum id.

Eskel 023
Eskel 192 A

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vel ex lectus. Nulla facilisi. Morbi lorem lacus, maximus in odio sed, imperdiet pellentesque leo. Cras interdum turpis vitae posuere lacinia. Quisque sagittis pharetra quam vel posuere. Morbi tempus lacinia ligula ac efficitur. Duis at facilisis odio, vel eleifend sapien. In quis semper odio, id mattis massa. Nunc mollis est nec nisi mattis, id sollicitudin ligula ultrices. Sed consectetur odio vitae augue viverra, ac iaculis lectus cursus. Proin laoreet lorem eu orci lacinia, non auctor dui malesuada. Phasellus sed tempus neque. Donec aliquet nulla et eleifend scelerisque. Maecenas id porta sapien. In cursus, sapien at pulvinar consectetur, elit lorem elementum ipsum, aliquet blandit nibh magna in nisl. Sed et maximus urna.

The One Who Lurks
Eskel 255 D
Eskel 246
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Sprite Rip: Leafy Sprouts Testing Sprite Rip: Leafy Sprouts

<h1>Sprite Rip: Leafy Sprouts Testing Sprite Rip: Leafy Sprouts </h1>

<h2>Test test</h2>


<h4>Blop</h4> <h5>Greep</h5>

What did they even do to the format controls?

Do you literally just have to have hotkeys memorized?

I guess so. e.e


<big>How about this?</big>

<small>Or this?</small>

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S t a t s .

origin . abnormal
nature . unfathomable
boundary . ocean abyss
size . tectonic
nature features . volcanic igneous rock, green algae (Cladophora)
Lava by Astrolytes-Resource

B i o m e .

Marine Biome by Esk-Masterlist

B i o .

Aaaancient. Doesn't speak because its presence is a bit overwhelming for how old it is. Lives in the Marianas Trench! Hibernates for very long periods of time.

More info coming soonly~

S t o r y .

One of the first esk transformed by Makoa, the Leviathan is a truly primordial entity.

Lore stuff about how proto-Makoa (as well as the other Wanderers in general) weren't even recognizable back then compared to how they are now, the same is true for Lev whose form used to be much more volatile but has since "solidified" a bit more and has learned how to hold its form into something a little less nebulous.

E x t r a .

Need to finish drawing its ref. This thing's a bit complicated ahah... orz

In its dormant state (such as while hibernating), it goes completely dark. Has a "low energy" mode where it only glows a dim blue and the magma ele is deactivated. It ignites itself (as depicted on the ML) almost never in fact, but I depicted it that way as reference. xD




Created by Xaishi at simplydevio.us
BG found on Nik.Bot.Nu

[ATS] Okan 1133

5 min read
1133 Okan by The-Kirin-Emperors

[Tier 0]

Unshakable, watchful, looming. This stallion is more like a silent shadow despite his massive size. He is an untamed beast of the wilds who lives according to his will and his alone—however, he is patient and approachable if treated with respect.

Add more in-depth bio eventually lol.


Constitution: 0/10
Agility: 0/10
Strength: 0/10
Intelligence: 0/10
Divinity: 0/10

Base HP: 200

Stat him out for con and str, maybe int secondary. 10/10/5?

This section is a mess blahhh dunno how I wanna organize it. Maybe do two columns. Stats on left, other info on the right?



Tier 1

Activity / 40 XP

by starlight | exploration | collab by the7eventhrider
Fullbody: +15
Complex Shading: +10
Complex Background: +10
Extra Character (1): +5
Collaboration: +5 
Agility Bonus (Hannibal 1007): +3
Total XP: 48

Tier 2

Activity x 2 / 100 XP

Tier 3

Activity x3 / 150 XP

Tier 4

Activity x4 / 200 XP

Tier 5

Activity x5 + 250 XP

Tier 6

Activity x6 / 300 XP

Tier 7

Activity x8 / 400 XP

Tier 8

Activity x10 / 500 XP

Tier 9

Activity x14 / 800 XP

Tier 10

Activity x20 + 1500 XP
1/20 + 48/1500 XP

Tiers and XP

Breeding Log



From the Fog: Unused




Created by Xaishi using Simplydevio.us // BG from nik.bot.nu

Artbreeder Interest Check + Paintovers / Edits by Xaishi, journal

Community Website Discussion by Xaishi, journal

Directory by Xaishi, journal